6 months later - just before Pi Wars 2019

It was a lot of work getting there, but we finally managed to complete the code for Dan-ED.  Just in time for Pi Wars!

Although we are not formally in the competition this year, we remain a ‘reserve’.  Work has continued on Dan-ED.  The chassis is complete with motors, battery pack, pi-zero and motor controller all integrated.  It is a tight squeeze getting all the components in.  Importantly, Dan-ED now has a ‘head’, unfortunately, we have not found the time to integrate a camera system into his ‘eyes’, as originally intended.
We have concentrated on the ‘remote control’ challenges as the game controller now works quite well.  Dan-ED has two line followers which allow it to autonomously follow a line.  This was easier to integrate than a camera based machine vision system.  We are still interested in the autonomous challenges and will probably try to integrate a camera next year.  It will be necessary to upgrade to a pi 3b+ though, as the pi-zero is already struggling with the processing load.  We have even had to remove the ‘espeak’ capability.

Dan-ED has two modes of operation.  Manual Joystick mode uses the game pad controller joystick to remotely control Dan-ED.  Line follower mode uses the signal from two line follower sensors to ‘steer’ if Dan-ED strays from the line.  Buttons on the controller are used to switch modes and start / stop.

With pi-zero installed in Dan-ED, fine tuning of the code has been undertaken on the pi-zero rather than Fuze.  A  laptop has been used to ‘remote in’ using VNC.

Quite a few issues have been encountered, trialling Dan-ED, which have led to some subtle design changes, these include:

1)  Moto-Zero driver chips overheating -  the 4 motors were originally driven from just two of the 4 outputs from the L293D driver chip.  Shear weight of Dan-ED kept causing the motors to stall, particularly on uneven surfaces.   To solve the problem each motor now connected to its own drive output with software modified to accommodate.

2)   The Drive pin to each motor kept falling out – we eventually glued this into place using UHU glue!

3)   Instability traversing rough terrain – track arrangement has gone through several iterations to increase the amount of track in contact with the ground, whilst also allowing Dan-ED to climb obstacles.  Fundamentally, Dan-ED remains ‘top heavy’ so vulnerable to toppling over itself if try to climb a high obstacle.  Dan-ED has been provided with two sets of tracks, one with rubber studs to improve grip, other without.  The track can be changed to suit the terrain.

The code driving Dan-RD has gone through numerous iterations.  Code development initially started on our FUZE computer, but eventually moved to the pi-zero.  Needless to say this became very slow due to the lack of processing power on the pi-zero!

The main flow is towards the end of the code. There is a continuous loop formed by a 'while True' statement which picks up commands from the game pad controller. The loop is within a 'try' statement which allows an exception (RobotStopException) - triggered by pressing 'home' button, to break out of the loop.

The main loop 'initiates'[ the controller and picks up joystick values (power_left, power_right) as well as game pad button presses and is purely used to determine which alternate flows to follow;

 1) set_manual_joystick() - by moving the joystick or selecting R2 when in line follower mode.

 2) set_line_follower() - by selecting L2 when in joystick mode, or at start up.

When in line following mode, L1 is used to set Dan-ED rolling forward, it will then use signals from the line follower sensors to autonomously steer.  R1 is used to stop Dan-ED.  R2 is used to switch back into manual joystick mode.

Dan-ED now has a head, but we have not had the time to integrate a camera system in place of the ‘eyes’.

We thought there was plenty of room, but it has been a tight squeeze getting a pi-zero, motor controller, GPIO breakout board and battery pack into Dan-ED!

Wiring for the GPIO breakout board used to connect the two line follower sensors.  The board ‘stacks’ between pi-zero and moto zero driver board.

Underside of Dan-ED showing how line followers are mounted.  They ‘stick out’ and will be removed prior to an obstacle course run.

Line follower sensors are adjusted using a ‘calibration’ card.  Sensors are off when directed at a dark surface, on when white line is detected.

Dan-ED operating in ‘line follower’ mode, autonomously tracking a white line.

Track arrangement has been redesigned to help climb obstacles.  There are interchangeable tracks with rubber studs to help with grip.

Lots of subtle changes had to be made following initial trials.  The motor drive pin kept falling out and had to be ‘glued’ in!

‘Spares’ in case anything breaks.  Being Lego it is easy to repair/modify Dan-ED!

Danny excitedly driving Dan-ED!

Danny busily building Lego.

Danny watching Dan-ED follow a line.

# Code for Dan-ED - PiWars 2019 - v1.0 29/03/19
# By Dr. Kok-Fu Pang, based on code from Mike Horne and Tom Oinn/Emma Norling
# This code works with a Raspberry Pi to allow motors to be controlled using a wifi game pad controller.
# It also provides autonomous 'line following' capability using two line follower sensors to provide
# steering signals to Dan-ED.
# The main flow is towards the end of the code. There is a continuous loop formed by a 'while True'
# statement which picks up commands from the game pad controller. The loop is within a 'try' statement
# which allows an exception (RobotStopException) - triggered by pressing 'home' button, to break out
# of the loop.
# The main loop 'initiates' the controller and picks up joystick values (power_left, power_right)
# as well as game pad button presses and is purely used to determine which alternate flows to follow;
# 1) set_manual_joystick() - by moving the joystick or selecting R2 when in line follower mode.
# 2) set_line_follower() - by selecting L2 when in joystick mode, or at start up.
# When in line following mode, L1 is used to set Dan-ED rolling forward, it will then using signals from
# the line follower sensors to autonomously steer.  R1 is used to stop Dan-ED.

# Need floating point division of integers
from __future__ import division
from time import sleep

# Import GPIO (for MotoZero)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

# Needed for line follower
from gpiozero import Robot, LineSensor

left_sensor = LineSensor(19)
right_sensor = LineSensor(26)

left_detect = 1
right_detect = 1

# Set the GPIO mode

# Define GPIO pins
Motor1A = 27 #left motor 1 (switched with motor 2)
Motor1B = 24 #left motor
Motor1Enable = 5 #left motor

Motor2A = 6 #left motor 3
Motor2B = 22 #left motor
Motor2Enable = 17 #left motor

# Define GPIO pins
Motor3A = 16 #right motor 2 (switched with motor 1)
Motor3B = 23 #right motor
Motor3Enable = 12 #right motor

Motor4A = 18 #right motor 4
Motor4B = 13 #right motor
Motor4Enable = 25 #right motor

# Set up defined GPIO pins
GPIO.setup(Motor1A,GPIO.OUT) #left motor 1
GPIO.setup(Motor1B,GPIO.OUT) #left motor
GPIO.setup(Motor1Enable,GPIO.OUT) #left motor on/off

GPIO.setup(Motor2A,GPIO.OUT) #left motor 3
GPIO.setup(Motor2B,GPIO.OUT) #left motor
GPIO.setup(Motor2Enable,GPIO.OUT) #left motor on/off

GPIO.setup(Motor3A,GPIO.OUT) #right motor 2
GPIO.setup(Motor3B,GPIO.OUT) #righ motor
GPIO.setup(Motor3Enable,GPIO.OUT) #right motor on/off

GPIO.setup(Motor4A,GPIO.OUT) #right motor 4
GPIO.setup(Motor4B,GPIO.OUT) #right motor
GPIO.setup(Motor4Enable,GPIO.OUT) #right motor on/off

    # Attempt to import the GPIO Zero library. If this fails, because we're running somewhere
    # that doesn't have the library, we create dummy functions for set_speeds and stop_motors which
    # just print out what they'd have done. This is a fairly common way to deal with hardware that
    # may or may not exist!

    # Turn the motor on
    # Use GPIO Zero implementation of CamJam EduKit robot (thanks Ben Nuttall/Dave Jones!)
    from gpiozero import CamJamKitRobot

    print('GPIO Zero found')
    # Get the robot instance and the independent motor controllers
    robot = CamJamKitRobot()
    motor_left = robot.left_motor
    motor_right = robot.right_motor

    # Motors are reversed. If you find your robot going backwards, set this to 1
    motor_multiplier = -1

    def set_manual_joystick(power_left, power_right):

        This alternate flow picks up signals from the left joystick and is selected from the main flow.  Joystick signals
        are 'mixed' using the mixer function to generate a 'power_left' and 'power_right' signal in range 0 - 100.
        However, there is no 'proportional control' motors are either on/off, driven in forward direction or backward
        direction.  Depending on the power_left and power_right signals received, it is possible for Dan-ED to turn on
        the spot.  In the future, we may use the power_left and power_right signals to drive a PWM controller to allow
        proportional control of the motors.  This will allow movement to be much more precise.

        while joystick.connected:
            # get line follower readings
            left_detect = int(left_sensor.value)
            right_detect = int(right_sensor.value)
            print("left: {}, right {}, line_left {}, line_right {}".format(power_left, power_right, left_detect, right_detect))

            # If power is less than 0, we want to turn the motor backwards, otherwise turn it forwards
            if power_left < 0:
                GPIO.output(Motor2A,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor2B,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor2Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor
                GPIO.output(Motor1A,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor1B,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor1Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor          
            elif power_left > 0:
                GPIO.output(Motor2B,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor2A,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor2Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor
                GPIO.output(Motor1B,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor1A,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor1Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this moto#
            elif power_left == 0:
                GPIO.output(Motor2Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor
                GPIO.output(Motor3Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor        
            if power_right < 0:
                GPIO.output(Motor3A,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor3B,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor3Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor
                GPIO.output(Motor4A,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor4B,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor4Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor
            elif power_right > 0:
                GPIO.output(Motor3B,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor3A,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor3Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor
                GPIO.output(Motor4B,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor4A,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
                GPIO.output(Motor4Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor 
            elif power_right == 0:
                GPIO.output(Motor1Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor
                GPIO.output(Motor4Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor

            # Get joystick values from the left analogue stick
            x_axis, y_axis = joystick['lx', 'ly']
            # Get power from mixer function
            power_left, power_right = mixer(yaw=x_axis, throttle=y_axis)
            # Get a ButtonPresses object containing everything that was pressed since the last
            # time around this loop.
            # Print out any buttons that were pressed, if we had any
            if joystick.has_presses:
            if 'l2' in joystick.presses:
                print("Switch to Line Follower Mode")
                start_line_follow = 0

    def set_line_follower(start_line_follow):
        This alternate flow picks up line follower signals.  It is selected from the main flow.
        Single push of l1 button starts Dan-ED rolling forward. Single push of r1 button stops Dan-ED.
        Output from left and right line follower sensors are continuously read.  On a black non reflective
        surface both sensors give a '1' (HIGH) output. If a reflective white line is detected it gives a
        '0' (LOW) output. Line follow code momentarly pauses left motors if left sensor detects '0',
        i.e., Dan-ED veering to the right and crosses reflective line.  If right sensor detects '0', i.e.,
        Dan-ED veering to the left and cross the line it momentarily pauses the right motor.

        while joystick.connected:
            # get line follower readings
            left_detect = int(left_sensor.value)
            right_detect = int(right_sensor.value)
      #      print("line_left {}, line_right {}, start_line_follow: {}".format(left_detect, right_detect, start_line_follow))

            GPIO.output(Motor2A,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
            GPIO.output(Motor2B,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
            GPIO.output(Motor1A,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
            GPIO.output(Motor1B,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
            GPIO.output(Motor3A,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
            GPIO.output(Motor3B,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal
            GPIO.output(Motor4A,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to send power to the + terminal
            GPIO.output(Motor4B,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to ground the - terminal       
            if start_line_follow == 1:
                GPIO.output(Motor2Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor
                GPIO.output(Motor1Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor
                GPIO.output(Motor3Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this mot
                GPIO.output(Motor4Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO high to enable this motor

                if right_detect == 0:
                    GPIO.output(Motor2Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor
                    GPIO.output(Motor1Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor
                    sleep (0.25)
                    GPIO.output(Motor2Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO low to disable this motor
                    GPIO.output(Motor1Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO low to disable this motor               
                if left_detect == 0:
                    GPIO.output(Motor3Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor
                    GPIO.output(Motor4Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor
                    sleep (0.25)
                    GPIO.output(Motor3Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO High to restart this motor
                    GPIO.output(Motor4Enable,GPIO.HIGH) # GPIO High to restart this motor
            elif start_line_follow == 0:
               GPIO.output(Motor2Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor
               GPIO.output(Motor1Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor        
               GPIO.output(Motor3Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor
               GPIO.output(Motor4Enable,GPIO.LOW) # GPIO low to disable this motor

            # Print out any buttons that were pressed, if we had any
            if joystick.has_presses:
            if 'l1' in joystick.presses:
                print("Forward - line follower")
                start_line_follow = 1
            if 'r1' in joystick.presses:
                print("Stop - line follower")
                start_line_follow = 0

            if 'r2' in joystick.presses:
                print("Switch to Manual Joystick Mode")
                power_left = 0 # stops it creeping forward
                power_right = 0 # stops it creeping forward
                set_manual_joystick(power_left, power_right)

    def stop_motors():
        As we have an motor hat, stop the motors using their motors call
        # Turn both motors off

except ImportError:
    print('GPIO Zero not found, using dummy functions.')

    def set_speeds(power_left, power_right):
        No motor hat - print what we would have sent to it if we'd had one.
        print('DEBUG Left: {}, Right: {}'.format(power_left, power_right))

    def stop_motors():
        No motor hat, so just print a message.
        print('DEBUG Motors stopping')

# All we need, as we don't care which controller we bind to, is the ControllerResource
from approxeng.input.selectbinder import ControllerResource

# Enable logging of debug messages, by default these aren't shown
# import logzero
# logzero.setup_logger(name='approxeng.input', level=logzero.logging.DEBUG)

class RobotStopException(Exception):
    The simplest possible subclass of Exception, we'll raise this if we want to stop the robot
    for any reason. Creating a custom exception like this makes the code more readable later.

def mixer(yaw, throttle, max_power=100):
    Mix a pair of joystick axes, returning a pair of wheel speeds. This is where the mapping from
    joystick positions to wheel powers is defined, so any changes to how the robot drives should
    be made here, everything else is really just plumbing.
    :param yaw:
        Yaw axis value, ranges from -1.0 to 1.0
    :param throttle:
        Throttle axis value, ranges from -1.0 to 1.0
    :param max_power:
        Maximum speed that should be returned from the mixer, defaults to 100
        A pair of power_left, power_right integer values to send to the motor driver
    left = throttle + yaw
    right = throttle - yaw
    scale = float(max_power) / max(1, abs(left), abs(right))
    return int(left * scale), int(right * scale)

# Outer try / except catches the RobotStopException we just defined, which we'll raise when we want to
# bail out of the loop cleanly, shutting the motors down. We can raise this in response to a button press
    while True:
        # Inner try / except is used to wait for a controller to become available, at which point we
        # bind to it and enter a loop where we read axis values and send commands to the motors.
            # Bind to any available joystick, this will use whatever's connected as long as the library
            # supports it.
            with ControllerResource(dead_zone=0.1, hot_zone=0.2) as joystick:
                print('Controller found, press HOME button to exit, use left stick to drive.')
                # Loop until the joystick disconnects, or we deliberately stop by raising a
                # RobotStopException
                while joystick.connected:
                    # Get joystick values from the left analogue stick
                    x_axis, y_axis = joystick['lx', 'ly']
                    # Get power from mixer function
                    power_left, power_right = mixer(yaw=x_axis, throttle=y_axis)
                    # Set joystick mode
                    set_manual_joystick(power_left, power_right)
                    # Get a ButtonPresses object containing everything that was pressed since the last
                    # time around this loop.
                    # Print out any buttons that were pressed, if we had any
                    if joystick.has_presses:
                    if 'l1' in joystick.presses:
                        # print("help")
                        start_line_follow = 1
                    if 'r2' in joystick.presses:
                        # print("help")
                        start_line_follow = 0
                    # If home was pressed, raise a RobotStopException to bail out of the loop
                    # Home is generally the PS button for playstation controllers, XBox for XBox etc
                    if 'home' in joystick.presses:
                        raise RobotStopException()
        except IOError:
            # We get an IOError when using the ControllerResource if we don't have a controller yet,
            # so in this case we just wait a second and try again after printing a message.
            print('No controller found yet')
except RobotStopException:
    # This exception will be raised when the home button is pressed, at which point we should
    # stop the motors.



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